Monday, August 9, 2010

Edmonton WCC Report

The weekend of July 30 - August 1 was the final two rounds of the WCC. It was hot and sunny all weeknd making for some great racing.

On Saturday Scott would pull out a 4th in qualifying in the very tight Rotax Sr class. In the prefinal he would slip back to 6th. Then in the final after being close at the begininng he would end up with a 7th place finish after losing the draft which is huge in the superspeedway of Stratotech Raceway Park. In the DD2 class Scott was the leader of the pack in the Masters class but a little off in the overall class. In the prefinal when chasing the leaders he would clip a curb and bend his axle. He had no other choice than to retire after his axle started to shift creating the drive to slip. Starting 13th overall in the final he would make the move fast to the front and only 2 laps in was third overall but 1st in Maasters. it would end up like that. With the win in Masters this would clich his spot on Team Canada for the Rotax World Finals in Italy in November.

On Sunday it was not his best day. Qualifying 9th in Rotax Sr was not what he was looking for. In the prefinal he was struggling with a very stuck kart and fell off the pace. In the final after making huge changes would not really change to outcome with not what he was wanting. In the DD2 class he would again be on top in qualifying in masters but second overall. In the prefinal we would win masters and finish second overall. The final would look like it was going to be the same outcome but with 3 laps remaining his motor would start to cough and sputter. It got worse and worse. The pack was slowly gaining ground and then in the 3 last corner on the last lap he would lose the lead and then lose a spot on the poduim 5 feet from the finish line.

Overall it was a good weekend because of the DD2 Masters Western Canadian Championship and a trip to the World Finals but he was wanting the last weekend to be much better.

Next it the Canadian National Championships on the weekend of August 20-22. He will be racing the DD2 Master class vying for the Canadian Championship aswell.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Saskatoon WCC

The weekend of July 1-4, 2010 was the thrid and fourth rounds of the Western Canadian Championships in Saskatoon, SK.

Scott was again running in two classes. Rotax DD2 Masters and Rotax Sr. Being that it was his home track he was very hopefull of a going showing.

Saturday began with a pole in DD2 overall and in Rotax a solid 4th in qualifying. In the prefinals Scott would show his experiance and walk away with the win in DD2 and would make the move up to 3rd place in the Rotax Sr. Not much would change in the finals in DD2 as again he would walk away with the win but yet again he would make a position up in the Rotax Sr. class up to 2nd overall.

Back at the track the next day Scott was again hoping for another good day. Once again he would grab the pole in DD2 overall and again would end up in the 4th spot in Rotax Sr. In the prefinals Scott would not look back and win by a large victory in DD2 and in Rotax would jump on a couple drivers mistakes and end up with a solid 2nd place finish. Starting on the front row of both classes would prove to be hard to shake him of and would finish second overall but win the DD2 masters class behind his new teammate Travis MacDonald. In the Rotax class he would slip back to third off the start with a stuck power valve but by turn 5 it pooped free and was then good to go. He would size up the second place driver and eventually make the move up with a couple laps left but not enough time to catch the leader Tyler Wheeler.

With the weekend over and two wins in DD2 Masters and two second place finishes in Rotax Sr. it places him well in both classes for the championship run.

Next race is in Edmonton, AB at the end of the month on the August long weekend.